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Hollie Stenson


Prior to founding WOOMIR, Hollie was the Director of Educational and Community Outreach on the Students Stand With Malala team at Participant Media. SSWM is a collaboration of the Malala Fund and Participant Media. Before that, she was the Director of Change the Course, also at Participant Media, a national water conservation and restoration initiative that is a collaboration with National Geographic.

She co-founded The FILManthropy Society, an organization that creates awareness for social issues through the medium of film. As President / Executive Director of The FILManthropy Society and it’s primary initiative, The FILManthropy Festival, her direct involvement benefited several nonprofit organizations whose missions varied widely. She has produced TEDxVenice Beach in 2015, and was on the team for TEDxLA in 2016 as well. 

Hollie has a BA in Broadcast Journalism from Texas Tech University and a Masters in Social Entrepreneurship & Change from Pepperdine University. 


Leilani Gushiken

Chief creative officer

Leilani Gushiken has been working in the TV and Film industry for over 18 years in Development, Production and Post Production for DreamWorks SKG, Scott Free, Coca Cola and Participant Media.  She was part of the core team that branded and launched Participant Media’s cable TV channel, Pivot and later was nominated for a 2016 Daytime Emmy for her work producing a short piece on girl's education for the Malala Fund.  Currently, she can be found working with the team at WOOMIR to develop, strategize and produce relevant content for social impact campaigns.

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Corissa St. Laurent

Strategy Director 

Corissa is a serial entrepreneur. She started her first company in Los Angeles in her mid-twenties and her second company in her home state of New Hampshire in her mid-thirties. She was offered her dream job at Constant Contact in 2009, which came at a transition time in her business, and spent eight years overseeing regional development for three distinct regions, starting in New England, back to Southern CA and then to the great Northwest. Corissa is back at it again (but no longer sharing her age!), working for herself and living the dream as an entrepreneur, public speaker, trainer and strategy consultant for businesses and professionals who share similar passions and values. She currently lives in Portland, OR with her husband and son and spends her free time with them, as well as writing, traveling, and continuously learning.