We're the antidote to your guilty conscience.


Who are we?

The Worldwide Offices of Making It Right is a social impact consulting agency based in Venice, CA. 

We specialize in creating campaigns that have tangible and effective results in changing minds, inspiring hearts, and pushing the needle when it comes to meaningful societal shifts in positive thinking. 

Although the name is tongue-in-cheek, since we haven’t achieved global domination (yet), we believe the ability to “make it right” lies in the individual, and individual communities, working together. So we may be making it right in Venice, but we know we have friends making it right in Kenya, others in Kansas….and you probably are too, wherever you are. 

Join us in making the world a better place….and making it right.

We're not the Better Business Bureau.


Companies have been orbiting around creating social change for a while now, and we're here to help them make the leap. 

Here are a few of our core beliefs. 


We believe that companies committed to social good benefit immensely from having emotionally fulfilling projects in their business plan. 


We believe that companies that focus on a triple bottom line - people, planet, and profit - develop a core philosophy that will forever define their brand, for the better. 


We believe people's professional journeys and personal journeys don't need to be two separate paths. 


We believe the business sector has tremendous capacity to scale social change. 


Purpose beyond profit.

That is the future. 
